
April19 is using AI to detect complex patterns in data, to find novel psychedelic compounds. The focus is on developing the next generation of psychedelics that maximize safety and efficacy.


There are more ways of combining molecules than atoms in the universe. By using artificial intelligence (AI, machine learning), April 19 hopes to generate novel compounds with properties that are better than the current (first generation) compounds.

By using pattern-finding ‘machines’ the company hopes to discover novel molecules within weeks instead of years.

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April19 Website

January, 2021


B2B Drug Discovery

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The Future of Psychedelic Medicine Will Be Drugs You’ve Never Heard Of (Motherboard, 24 January 2022)
This article, by the always excellent Shayla Love, discussed the next generation of novel psychedelics. Starting with the many discoveries of Sasha Shulgin, the article then dives deeper into the wishes and hopes of psychedelic companies.


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